However, over the last few months, I've found myself really, really not caring about how I look. Most days, I'm the preview for What Not to Wear-yoga pants and hoodies, never putting my contacts in, and and one bad hair day after another. I've decided, though, that I'm done with that. Frumpy dumpy does nothing for my mood, my energy level, or my sanity. So first, a trip to the salon.


(yes, shitty picture AGAIN. I know. I took this myself, and I've learned that what looks ok on my camera screen is an entirely different ball game at full size. But you get the idea).
I love it, although it never has been this sleek since that day. I fight the battle of mushroomhead on a daily basis, but I refuse to be defeated.
Then, I went shopping. Not "20%offallclearancemerchandiseatthegapoutlet" shopping. Real shopping. I tried on jeans at Nordstrom. Yes, jeans that would feed my family for a week. Jeans with pricetags that would make my husband cry, but God bless him he told me not to tell him.
Of course, I didn't buy those jeans. Armed with brand names and a vision, I went to Nordstrom Rack. I found three pairs of jeans.............and bought them all. For less than the one pair at the main store. Of course, they still need some serious hemming (because everyone knows that no one who can afford expensive jeans is short enough to need less than a 32" inseam. Duh.). I'm going to take them today, so within the next week, I can be performing mama functions in pants that make my booty look good.
I'm also working on being more mindful of my eating, because my sugarholic tendancies are showing again. A big step would be getting the crap out of my house, but Dave is big into buying me pies when I seem down. I've tried to explain that the pies are part of the problem, not the solution, but he just. doestn't. get. it. Our food issues are bigger than I feel like delving into today, but it's at least on my mind.
So if you see me around town, be sure to tell me I look hot in my new hair and my sexy jeans. The ego boost will do me good.
1 comment:
Your hair looks so good!!!!
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