Saturday, March 17, 2007

Twenty things that I am thankful for

Right this very minute.

1)My husband, who loves me enough to drive around town looking for a specific flavor of ice cream, even though we have two other kinds in the freezer.
2)My children are happy and healthy
3)Girl Scout cookie sales end tomorrow, and my troop will successfully sell our entire inventory.
4)Organic red wine.
5)The honor of being chosen to attend women as they birth their baby.
6)The transformation of my home into a clutter free, inviting living space.
7)My entire family home on the same continent.
8)An amazing mother, who loves her family more than life itself.
9)My husband's awesome job, which more than provides for our family.
10)The chance to stay at home and watch my children grow.
12)Local grocery stores that don't stock that particular flavor of ice cream, because
13)A body that is becoming thin, strong, and sexy.
14)a teenage son with a head on his shoulders.
15)an amazing daughter who makes me laugh.
16)another daughter, who can communicate her needs.
17)my upcoming CBE training, and the chance to help women create amazing births for themselves.
18)financial prosperity.
19)Amazing friends who understand me.
20)A universe with unlimited potential.

1 comment:

Funky Mama said...

update, update, update, update